Lately I have gotten more questions from friends and classmates about music groups I listen to or recommend. I don't know why that is all of a sudden, but I think its cool that people care to ask me of all people. Then I thought: I do collect records, have tons of mp3s in my laptop & Ipod, go to shows all the time here in Austin, and read a lot of music mags both local and national. So I figure it is time to start a blog of the different groups I discover or come across. Why keep all the information to myself? After all, sharing is caring. I realize I may be late on the bandwagon for some bands, but again this is my blog about when or how I discover a group or artist I like. I will tell how I came across them, if and where I saw them, and give thoughts about them. Some bands may be major, mid-major indie level, unsigned and local. The music I like and listen to comes literally from all walks of life. I listen to music in English and Spanish as I am Latino and bilingual. I welcome comments, criticism, questions, and suggestions. I primary use myspace when it comes to looking for bands, but myspace is only about half of my music discovery. I get tons of magazines in the mail and still watch Music video channels such as Fuse and M.E. TV in Austin. Although I grew up watching MTV, I do not watch anymore except for rare occasions. I am even disappointed in MTV2 and now MTV Tres. I think MTV chose to get younger while the first MTV generation got older. That's the way it goes I guess. I just wish they played more videos. I didn't forget about MUN2, although I will forget them on purpose. They are just as bad as the other joker networks I mentioned. Great concepts for channels but lacking quality content. So there you have it, my music blog is born. Postings will occur randomly but hopefully frequently. My goal with this blog is share with the world music they might like and would have never discovered without my help. Thanks for reading.
this sounds like a good idea, its always nice to be able to talk music with someone who is passionate about it.
rockin' photo too.
Looks like someone was bit by the blogging bug...
BTW: Is that an E.T. shirt? I love E.T.!
It is indeed and E.T. shirt. If only I could find one in my size now...
who's the cool kid with the glasses and killer socks?
I saw "The Material" video and I liked the music but didn't like the video. I decided to look up the "Apologize" video on MTV and I thought it sucked. Because I liked their music, I decided to research their music further. I liked what I heard and decided that I would become a fan. Although I do want to add that if a group or song doesn't hit me or wow me, I do not give them a second chance to make me a fan. But upon your recommendation, they got their second chance. I would buy their music and/or go see them. P.S. nice costume.
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