Monday, December 7, 2009

Chris Garneau Video for "Fireflies" inspired by Legend of Zelda

I came across this cool music video the other day via email. It is from a Brooklyn based indie-pop artist, Chris Garneau. The dude seems to be a little out there and different, but I guess a lot of creative types typically are. I don't really dig his music, but his new video for his single "Fireflies" is awesome. I am a closet nerd, and an avid video game nerd on top of that. The video for Fireflies is directly inspired by my favorite Nintendo game of all time, The Legend of Zelda. If you've never played the game, then you get excited by the video the way I did when I first saw it.

Real briefly...

Link is the main hero and character Zelda is based on, is who Garneau plays in the video. He got Links outfit down to the core, Grecian headband and all. The video was shot over the course of five days in parts of Yosemite National Park, Sequoia National Park and Death Valley. It was filmed with a Canon 5D Mark II. Knowing that, you'll understand why the video's cinematography is what it is. It's quite impressive.

Watching video makes me want to buy an old NES system and the gold video game cartridge. I still know where the keys are and know I can save Zelda from Gannon's punk ass. Anyway, here's Garneau's video. Enjoy the nerd porn.

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